Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer is overrated.

I confess. I think it's too friggin' hot outside. I remember all winter (there was no Spring this year) thinking that I couldn't wait until summer so that I could wear shorts and get a tan and be outside all the time.

This has not happened.


I go outside with a book, unable to find shade in my ill-shaped yard and return sweaty and frustrated. I'd make a comparison to other times I've been sweaty and frustrated, but this is intended to be a family-friendly blog. So I will instead go on...

Parks always seem like a good idea, but are over-run with children and people who shouldn't be allowed to go out in public, wearing clothes that are too small and letting it "all hang out" simply because it's hot. I can't handle it. Parks are out.

I'm too poor to frequent water parks, and seriously, who cares about the middle school crowd anyway? I've tried the zoo, our city's outdoor concert series, they are still too humid and warm. But because the sun is out I hate being indoors, and my basement is freezing anyway, why is there NO MIDDLE GROUND?

Don't even get me started on Autumn.


Ann LaDeux said...

Le tme know when you are ready to go crazy about winter. I have some things to say about that.

Because. said...

What Why? I'm sorry, I couldn't read this very well, I'm a little delerious from my heat stroke.