Monday, August 18, 2008

I just don't understand...

I confess. I read it. I did. I read THEE book, the one all women are talking about. Much to my chagrin. I'm not sorry that I read it, it's a good story. I just fear that some one might lump me in with the ridiculous masses of women who are swooning over a vampire. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but I feel compelled, NAY, a duty to inform you that...brace yourself...vampires aren't real. I'm sorry. Have I now destroyed all hope? Tainted your once hopeful look upon humanity? IT'S A BOOK. Stop lining up in droves for the next installment, stop talking about how much you love Edward in chat rooms, stop wearing effing t-shirts proclaiming that real men suck blood or sparkle or whatever. Come ON. I cannot in good conscience insist that some friend read this for fear that they may fall victim to it's unnatural tendency to cause women to lose the ability to think reasonably. Everyone take a deep breath...and stop being stupid.


Anonymous said...

Don't call me stupid. My fiance and I are dressing up as Edward and Bella at our wedding. That's real love.

skcoe said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is SO how I feel.

I liked books 3 and 4, but COME ON. The parties and all the nonsense surrounding the books are RIDICULOUS. REALLY, people. A book. Don't go telling your husbands to be more like Edward...he's fake.